To help grow our database with the most reliable information, we are strongly encouraging everyone to register on our Code Red Community Notification Enrollment Page (CNE). The secure, customized CNE page allows our residents and businesses to add or update their contact information to ensure they will be included when an emergency, general, or weather message is sent – unlisted numbers, mobile numbers, TD/TTY requirements can all be entered. Below are some advantages of the Weather Notification service provided by Code Red:
Stay Safe: Code Red Weather Warning will alert registered citizens, in the direct path of severe weather
Alert Types: Notifications will be sent out moments after a severe thunderstorm warning, tornado warning, or flash flood warning has been issued by the National Weather Services. Only citizens in the immediate impact area will be alerted
Caller ID: Registered citizens will know the call is from Code Red Weather Warning when you see the telephone number 1-800-566-9780. If you would like to hear the last message delivered to your phone simply dial the number back.
Privacy: Your contact information will remain private and will only be used for severe weather or emergency alerts.
Register to get the Call: Users must opt-in to receive weather notifications.
With everyone taking a moment to fill out the CNE, we can ensure the citizens of Laurens County receive timely notifications via multiple platforms (email, cell, landline, text). If you wish to receive these notifications, please click on the logo above:
www.laurenscounty911.org (Laurens County 911)
www.laurenscountygis.org (Laurens County Geographical Information System)
www.scemd.org (South Carolina Emergency Management Division)
www.duke-energy.com (Duke Power)
www.laurenselectric.com (Laurens Electric)
www.cnnga.com (Clinton-Newberry Natural Gas Authority)
www.laurenscpw.com (Laurens Commission of Public Works)
www.lcwsc.com (Laurens County Water & Sewer)
www.redcross.org/sc/nc (Upstate South Carolina American Red Cross)
www.lcems.net (Laurens County Emergency Medical Services)
www.laurenscountyhumane.org (Laurens County Humane Society)
www.cityofclintonsc.com (Clinton Public Safety) City of Clinton Police/Fire
www.laurenssheriff.org (Laurens County Sheriff Department)
www.cityoflaurenssc.com (Various City Fire, Police, CPW, Gov., etc)
www.lcfireservice.org (Laurens County Fire Departments)
www.nena.org (National Emergency Number Association)
Federal Organizations & Resources
US Department of Homeland Security
Are You Ready (Citizens Guide to Preparedness)
Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT)
Neighborhood Watch Program
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
National Incident Management System (NIMS)